This market is exclusively used to order “BBQ IN A BOX,”

a promotional offering from Sussex County, NJ farmers. These promotional meal boxes contain a full meal of either hamburgers and hot dogs or boneless sirloin steaks, along with a wide array of vegetables and fruit, pie and condiments to make your meal a memorable one. Best yet, all of these products were grown right here in Sussex County!

Refer to the GROWERS page on the navigation bar above to learn more about all of the fantastic farmers who contributed to make these unique “BBQ IN A BOX” meals the freshest, highest quality meal you can find anywhere! And lucky for you, all this bounty is grown right here at home in our County. Agriculture is alive and well, but needs your support to keep our farmers farming!

Details and pricing, as well as exact pickup location and time, will be listed here shortly. All boxes must be preordered via this online web site. To order, create a user account on the ACCOUNTS page, then visit the MARKET page to select your box and add it to your shopping cart! It’s that easy.

PICKUP FOR ALL BOXES IS SATURDAY, September 5th, 2009 from 10am-2pm,

at the Sussex County fairgrounds Farmers’ Market ONLY. Credit card/Paypal can be used to pay prior to box pickup. An invoice for these options will be sent via email within 24 hours of your order being placed. All orders are payable in full within 7 days of placement and NO LATER THAN September 1, 2009. Checks may also be mailed under the same terms. Mailing address will be given on your email receipt following your order placement.

No refunds can be given after the order deadline (August 31st) as the farmers are harvesting product specifically for your box, selling their contribution directly to you, for your enjoyment.

CREATE AN ACCOUNT to get instant email updates and be the first to order!

Thank you for your interest in this promotional offer from Sussex County farmers. If you are interested in regularly purchasing farm-fresh produce from northwestern NJ farmers via an online marketplace, please visit: and enjoy year-round farm produce, meats and more with convenient pickup locations in: Andover, Chester and Blairstown!